Brendan P. Karl Attorney At Law

Of Counsel
T 239.340.7979
F 239.321.5334
D 239.340.7919
1404 Dean Street
Suite 300
Fort Myers, Florida 33901
Well-versed litigation attorney sharpened by training and experience as an officer and attorney in the United States Air Force JAG Corps. Offering unique skills, polished advocacy, and trustworthy counsel to navigate critical disputes.
As a seasoned litigator, Brendan P. Karl brings a wealth of experience and diverse skills to clients navigating complex disputes. With a background as a former federal prosecutor, officer, and attorney in the Department of the Air Force, he leverages a unique legal background to effectively handle matters on behalf of individuals, businesses, and government entities. Brendan’s extensive experience in state and federal courts spans from the trial level through appeals, ensuring his clients are well-represented from start to finish. Brendan strives to deeply understand each client’s particular needs so he can tailor his approach to achieve the best possible outcome.
Originally from Michigan, Brendan began his legal career working as a trial court law clerk for Florida’s judges. Additionally, Brendan’s military service led him to various locations throughout Florida, Missouri, and overseas, broadening his perspective and cultural awareness. After fulfilling his active-duty service commitment, Brendan entered private practice to successfully litigate a wide range of matters, including construction, contract, property, and business disputes.