Gary M. Berkson Attorney At Law

Of Counsel
T 407.843.8880
F 407.244.5690
D 407.244.5646
301 East Pine Street
Suite 1400
Orlando, Florida 32801
Business savvy dealmaker guiding clients through complex transactions. Former in-house counsel advising national corporations, emerging companies, and start-ups.
Gary Berkson represents middle market companies in all phases of the business lifecycle, from formation and start-up to mergers, sales, and strategic acquisitions. A seasoned corporate counselor with valuable in-house experience, Gary advises clients operating across a diverse range of dynamic sectors, including information technology and software, manufacturing and distribution, insurance, real estate, construction, engineering, and professional services, among others. Clients include large, national corporations, as well as emerging and early stage companies and strategic ventures.
Serving clients through the lens of outside general counsel, Gary provides business-focused and pragmatic advice to the C-suite and other key stakeholders during pivotal growth moments. His work focuses on helping clients amplify opportunities while managing risk. Gary’s portfolio of expertise includes entity selection, debt and equity financing, restructuring, and workouts, joint ventures and strategic alliances, and succession planning. He also guides clients through sales to private equity investors and multi-stage mergers and acquisitions. As a complement to his transactional work, Gary advises clients on commercial and contractual relationships, employment relationships and agreements, and in the resolution of disputes between owners, owner deadlock and dissolution claims, and negotiated buyouts and redemptions.
Before private practice, Gary served as vice president/corporate counsel for an international supplier of transit systems and equipment and as corporate counsel for an international real estate franchise organization. He frequently teams with GrayRobinson colleagues in the real estate, litigation, and taxation sections to provide collaborative and effective transactional advisory services for clients.