T 305.416.6880
F 305.416.6887
333 SE 2nd Avenue
Suite 3200
Miami, Florida 33131
Talented writer and oral advocate preparing clients for complex appeals and trial litigation. Board-certified by The Florida Bar in Appellate Practice.
Jack Reiter leads the GrayRobinson Appellate and Trial Support Team (nationally ranked Tier 1 by U.S. News - Best Lawyers® in 2023) and has briefed and argued hundreds of appeals over the span of his nearly 30-year career. He is Board-certified by The Florida Bar in Appellate Practice and former chair of the Florida Bar Appellate Court Rules Committee and the Florida Bar Appellate Practice Section. Jack collaborates with clients and co-counsel to provide strategic legal direction for the arc of each case, advising on the post-trial preservation process, and developing and arguing dispositive motions. His practice includes experience in a wide array of commercial and business disputes, insurance issues, and product liability matters.
Jack’s diverse experience and dedication to the evolving nature of law allows him to blend swiftly and seamlessly with trial counsel at a moment’s notice to deliver litigation support during the pretrial, trial, and post-trial stages. He handles trial support proceedings in state and federal courts throughout Florida, as well as jurisdictions outside the state. His experience includes preparing and arguing complex trial motions to dismiss and for summary judgment, as well as motions in limine and for directed verdict.
Jack teams regularly with colleagues within and outside GrayRobinson across various practice areas. He provides appellate and trial support, as well as a fresh perspective on a variety of litigation matters, including products liability, toxic tort, construction, negligence, insurance, and maritime law, among others. He is sought after for his expertise in the subtlety and nuance of appellate practice.
- Chambers USA
- Litigation: Appellate, 2019-2024
- Appellate, 2018
- Best Lawyers in America, 2008-2025
- Appellate Practice
- Commercial Litigation
- Florida Super Lawyers, 2006-2024
- Top 100 Lawyers in the State of Florida (regardless of specialty), 2011, 2017
- Top 100 Lawyers in Miami, 2010-2013, 2015-2017, 2019-2020, 2022-2023
- Florida Trend, Legal Elite, 2014, 2011-2012, 2006-2009, 2022
- South Florida Legal Guide, Top Lawyer, 2017-2018, 2020-2022
- Panelist, "Extraordinary Writs: Certiorari, Mandamus, & Prohibition," Third District Court of Appeal (DCA) Spring Seminar: Extraordinary Writs & Non-Final Appeals, May 3, 2024
- "The Neil Inquiry: Navigating the Peremptory Process," Florida Bar Journal, October 24, 2023
- "Brief Writing for the Third DCA,” Appellate Practice Section of The Florida Bar Practicing Before the Florida Third District Court of Appeal 2022 seminar, October 28, 2022
- "Finality of Judgments," PINCUS Professional Education’s Advanced Appellate Practice, April 5, 2022
- "New Florida Supreme Court Rule Amendment Could Be Game-Changer for Punitive Damages," Daily Business Review, January 21, 2022; January 25, 2022, print edition
- "Preserving the Appellate Record at Trial: Balancing Trial Advocacy and Strategy with Preserving the Appellate Record," International Association of Defense Counsel Webinar, January 27, 2021
- “How to Gain the Technological Edge in Appeals,” Dade County Bar Association’s Appellate Court Committee Seminar, April 6, 2018
- “Pre-Trial Preservation: Paving the Way to Ensure the Client Is in the Best Position Possible for Early Case Resolution or Trial,” American Bar Association’s (ABA) Appellate Practice Regional Seminar, April 28, 2017
- “Demystifying Extraordinary Writs,” The Florida Bar’s Appellate Practice Section CLE, April 18, 2017
- "The Current Status Of Florida's Concurrent Cause Doctrine," Law360, December 2016
- "Finality of Orders - Legal and Practical Implications," Appellate Practice Section, The Florida Bar, November 17, 2015
- "Litigating After the Verdict: Post-Trial Motions Through Appeal," Defense Research Institute's 2015 Asbestos Medicine Seminar, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 5-6, 2015
- "The New Meaning of Litigation Support: Redesigning the Perception of the Appellate Practitioner," Daily Business Review, July 2015
- "Appellate Skills and Strategies: Original Proceedings Described in Fla.R.App.P. 9.100," Pincus Professional Education, May 30, 2014, and June 12, 2014
- "Expert Rule Changes (Daubert)," Construction Litigation: Stuff You Will Use, Hillsborough County Bar Association, Tampa, Florida, March 2014
- "Effectively Preserving Issues for Appeal," Tactical Approaches and Techniques for Trial, ABA Section of Litigation, Miami, FL, October 3, 2013
- "Appellate Practice in the Third District Court of Appeal," Annual Bench & Bar Conference, Dade County Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section, Miami, FL, March 9, 2012
- Third District Court of Appeal Annual Professionalism and Ethics Seminar, 2009-2010
- “Judging Your Appeals: A Practitioner's Perspective,” The Florida Bar Journal, May 2010
- "The Value of Involving an Appellate Lawyer Early in Litigation," Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, October 2009
- Third District Court of Appeal Annual Seminar, 2009
- "Preservation of Error in the Appeal of Quasi-Judicial Zoning Enforcement Matters," Florida Municipal Attorneys Association, July 18, 2009
- "Successfully Navigating the Appeals Process," National Business Institute, June 2008
- “The Problem with Preservation of Error,” The Record, Journal of the Appellate Practice Section, Summer 2008
- “Review of Non-Final Orders - An Exception to the Requirement of Finality,” The Florida Bar Journal, March 2008
- “The Appellate Lawyer’s Role in Maintaining Judicial Independence and Accountability - Flip Sides of the Same Coin,” The Record, Journal of the Appellate Practice Section, Summer 2007
- “The Creation and Evolution of Florida’s District Courts of Appeal,” Florida’s Third District Court of Appeal: Balancing Justice, Centennial Press, 2007
- “Building the Perfect Record,” The Record, Journal of the Appellate Practice Section, Winter 2006
- “The Appellate Rule Making Process,” The Record, Journal of the Appellate Practice Section, Spring 2006
- "Common Law Writs," Coral Gables Bar Association, August 16, 2006
- "Preservation of Error," Miami Beach Bar Association , April 18, 2006
- “Common Law Writs – From the Practical to the Extraordinary,” The Florida Bar Journal, February 2006
- "Preservation of Error," Seminar for the Appellate Practice Section of The Florida Bar, August 12, 2005
- "Review of Non-Final Orders," 21st Annual Third District Court of Appeal Seminar
- “Principles and Pitfalls of Preservation of Error,” The Florida Bar Journal, November 2004
- "Help: How do You Handle an Administrative and Municipal Appeal," Miami-Dade County League of Cities, September 22, 2004
- Assistant Editor, “Comparative Fault and Contribution in Florida,” Seventh Edition, 2004
- “Putting the Brakes on Litigation, Stays Pending Review,” The Florida Bar Journal, November 2003
- "Amid Georgia Tort Reform Push, Walmart Challenges $1M Injury Verdict," Law.com, March 18, 2025
- "Third DCA Rejects Trial Court's 'Watergate' Comparison in Walmart Slip-and-Fall Case," Daily Business Review, March 13, 2025
- "Florida Judge Throws Out $6.2 Million Verdict Over Juror Outburst and Mid-Trial Discussions," Daily Business Review, February 21, 2025
- "Third DCA Reverses $5 Million Jury Verdict Plus Attorney Fees," Daily Business Review, February 12, 2025
- American Bar Association
- Tort and Insurance Practice Section
- Defense Research Institute
- International Association of Defense Counsel
- The Florida Bar
- Standard Civil Jury Instruction Committee, 2020-2023
- Appellate Practice Section
- Chair, 2012-2013
- Chair-Elect, 2011-2012
- Vice Chair, 2010-2011
- Secretary/Treasurer, 2009-2010
- Editor, The Record Journal of the Appellate Practice Section, 2006-2009
- Appellate Court Rules Committee
- Member, 2020-2023
- Chair, 2005-2006
- Vice Chair, 2004-2005
- Dade County Bar Association Appellate Court Committee
- Co-Chair, 2010-2011
- Chair, 2008-2010
- Vice Chair, 2007-2008
- Third District Court of Appeal Historical Society
- Board of Directors, Former Member
- J.D., University of Florida Levin College of Law, 1994, with high honors
- B.S., University of Florida, 1991
- Board-certified by The Florida Bar in Appellate Practice
- Florida
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 11th Circuits
- U.S. District Court for the Southern, Middle, and Northern Districts of Florida
- U.S. Supreme Court