Janice M. "Jan" McLean Attorney At Law

Of Counsel
T 813.273.5000
F 813.273.5145
D 813.273.5034
101 East Kennedy Boulevard
Suite 4000
Tampa, Florida 33602
Deep roots in the Tampa Bay community and recognized expertise regarding water policy, regulation, management, conservation programs, and environmental resource permitting.
With an in-depth knowledge of Florida Water law, Jan concentrates her practice on the planning, management, and regulation of the state’s waters, including related environmental and land use issues.
Prior to joining the firm, Jan represented the City of Tampa as a Senior Assistant City Attorney where she provided counsel and departmental support to three administrations and multiple City Councils on water, stormwater, non-ad valorem assessments, wastewater, reclaimed water, solid waste, and environmental programs, including state legislation and rulemaking. Jan represented the City before, and as a participant of, numerous statewide and regional task forces and workgroups, as well as before legislative committees.
Jan has represented three of the five water management districts as an assistant general counsel over the course of her career. She represented the Southwest Florida Water Management District in the creation of the Environmental Resource Permitting program combining the dredge and fill and management and storage of surface waters permitting programs and the statewide rulemaking. Jan was integral to the passage of legislation in 2012 which provided that a wastewater utility controls its product and it is not subject to regulation until it is discharged to waters of the state, thereby identifying the investment of wastewater utilities. She has experience with administrative litigation matters both internally and in conjunction with outside counsel and consultants.