T 407.843.8880
F 407.244.5690
301 East Pine Street
Suite 1400
Orlando, Florida 32801
Natalie concentrates her practice on various construction transactions, catering to a wide clientele encompassing commercial property and business owners, general contractors, architects, engineering firms, and public entities. Her primary focus involves the meticulous preparation and negotiation of contracts for a variety of construction projects across Florida, including healthcare facilities, airports, office buildings, condominiums, and restaurants. In addition to her proficiency in contract matters, Natalie brings extensive experience in defending against tort and professional malpractice claims, assessing mechanic liens, and litigating construction defect claims.
- Best Lawyers in America, Ones to Watch, Construction Law, 2025
- Florida Super Lawyers, Rising Star, Construction Litigation, 2022-2024
- "Understanding Design Assist and Design Delegation: Distinctions and Differences," Presenter and Co-Author, Construction Law Institute, 2021
- "Construction Industry Update," Presenter, GrayRobinson Seminar, September 14, 2021
- GrayRobinson’s 23rd Annual Employment Law Seminar, Presenter, April 1, 2021
- "Case Law Update," Florida Bar Construction Law Committee Newsletter, Volume VI, Issue I, 2020
- "Doing Deals and Disputes in 2020: Revive, Restructure, or Rend Apart," Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) of Central Florida, Presenter, October 15, 2020
- "The Lowdown on Latent Defects," Florida Bar Construction Law Committee Constructive Talk Newsletter, Volume VII, Issue II, 2020
- Explanation of Keystone Airpark Authority v. Pipeline Contractors, Inc., Florida Bar Construction Law Committee, Continuing Legal Education Course, Presenter, March 16, 2020
- "Repair Costs Can Be Consequential Damages: Understanding the Keystone Court's Departure from the Typical Definition of Consequential Damages," Florida Bar Association, Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section, ActionLine publication, Vol. XXXXI No. 2
- “Case Law Update,” Florida Bar Construction Law Committee Constructive Talk Newsletter, Volume VI, Issue I, 2020
- “Case Law Update, Florida Bar Construction Law Committee Constructive Talk Newsletter, Volume V, Issue II, 2019
- "Taking a Closer Look at an Insured’s Coverage When Faced with a Chapter 558 Notice," Co-Author, Orange County Bar Association, March 1, 2019
- The Florida Bar
- Real Property Probate and Trust Law Section
- Construction Law Committee
- Co-Chair, Litigation Subcommitte
- Guardian Ad Litem, Sixth Judicial Circuit, 2014-2016
- Support Our Scholars Program, Board of Directors
- J.D., Stetson University College of Law, cum laude
- Edward D. Foreman Third Year Tuition Scholarship
- Associate Justice, Moot Court Board
- Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Aging Law and Policy
- President, Stetson Chapter of the Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Law Student Division
- Ms. JD Fellow
- Leader of the Year, Stetson University College of Law
- Spirit of Moot Court Award
- American Law Institute CLE Scholarship and Leadership Award
- William F. Blews Award for Pro Bono Service
- Governor of the Year Award, Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Law Student Division, Board of Governors
- Highest Grade Designation, Advanced Commercial Contracts
- B.S., B.A., University of Florida, Psychology and Political Science, cum laude
- Minor, Leadership Development
- Dean's List
- Phyllis M. Meek Spirit of Susan B. Anthony Award
- Junior Fellows Research Program
- Florida
- U.S. District Court for the Northern and Middle Districts of Florida