Tracy A. Marshall Attorney At Law

T 407.843.8880
F 407.244.5690
301 East Pine Street
Suite 1400
Orlando, Florida 32801
Tracy is a retired GrayRobinson attorney, after practicing law for over 27 years in the areas of eminent domain, land use litigation and commercial litigation. Her eminent domain practice includes representation of both property owners and taking authorities. She has worked on over 600 condemnation parcels and has participated in over 25 eminent domain, inverse condemnation and valuation trials, arbitrations and proceedings. Her trial experience includes eminent domain actions, inverse condemnation, Bert Harris actions, annexations, land use litigation, franchise terminations, intellectual property disputes and defamation claims. Tracy's general commercial litigation practice also includes state and federal court litigation regarding franchises, trademarks, trade secrets, employment discrimination suits, landlord-tenant disputes, foreclosures, title insurance claims and fraudulent transfer claims.
Tracy was born in Celina, Ohio. She graduated from Shorecrest Preparatory School in St. Petersburg, Florida, in 1983 and then attended Rollins College for two and a half years. She received her undergraduate degree from Indiana University with a double major in economics and political science. She attended Florida State University College of Law, graduating in 1990 with high honors. She joined GrayRobinson in 1990.