Alec D. Russell Attorney At Law

Melbourne Deputy Managing Shareholder
Melbourne Deputy Managing Shareholder
T 321.727.8100
F 321.984.4122
D 321.674.3046
1795 West NASA Boulevard
Melbourne, Florida 32901
Highly skilled legal technician helping clients navigate complex civil and commercial disputes. Known for diverse trial experience and appellate support.
Florida native and Air Force veteran, Alec Russell, serves businesses and individuals across the state in a range of complex civil and commercial litigation with a focus on commercial litigation, employment litigation, probate and trust litigation, and appellate support. Known for his determined integrity and trial-ready operating approach, he guides clients through the litigation process with an eye toward swift resolution, ideal outcomes, and detailed preservation of each case. A skilled legal technician, Alec works with clients on a variety of litigation-related matters.
Alec is consistently recognized by clients and colleagues alike for his outstanding service and commitment to the spirit of the legal profession. In addition to his trial experience, he is trusted by clients for his work beyond the courtroom, regularly handling contract negotiation, trade secret, non-compete, and unfair competition matters, as well as other general corporate concerns. Alec brings a unique set of skills to his client engagements, chief among them an analytical and detailed knowledge of the law, unwavering professional work ethic, and a service-first mindset.
Prior to joining GrayRobinson, Alec was a member of a boutique Central Florida law firm serving clients in the areas of litigation, estate planning, and real property law, among others. Previously, he served as a judicial law clerk to the Honorable Maurice V. Giunta, circuit court judge in and for Alachua County, Florida. Alec frequently teams with GrayRobinson colleagues in the appellate and trial support, labor and employment, and real estate practices to provide comprehensive counsel.