GrayRobinson Bankruptcy Deputy Section Chair Luis Rivera Moderates Judicial Roundtable at Annual Alexander L. Paskay Memorial Bankruptcy Seminar

February 28, 2025

GrayRobinson is pleased to share Bankruptcy Deputy Section Chair Luis Rivera moderated "Judicial Roundtable Workouts: Problems, Problems, Problems!" at the American Bankruptcy Institute's 49th annual Alexander L. Paskay Memorial Bankruptcy Seminar.

The Alexander L. Paskay Memorial Bankruptcy Seminar is a memorial CLE program featuring programming options geared toward both business and consumer issues, taught by a faculty of prominent regional and national speakers and bankruptcy judges. Luis' roundtable plenary consisted of small group huddles with judges and fellow attendees who worked through case problems together.

Luis helps clients navigate some of the most difficult situations businesses face, including complex business litigation, bankruptcy, creditors’ rights, and insolvency matters. A trusted advisor, Luis is one of only 10 attorneys in Florida who is board-certified in Business Bankruptcy Law and Consumer Bankruptcy by the American Board of Certification and one of only two court-appointed fiduciaries who administers Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases in Southwest Florida.

Read - GrayRobinson Bankruptcy Deputy Section Chair Luis Rivera Moderates Judicial Roundtable at Annual Alexander L. Paskay Memorial Bankruptcy Seminar.