Our Team

Respected counsel, board-certified by The Florida Bar in Tax Law, with deep roots in Florida. Partnering with businesses, nonprofits, and individuals to navigate obstacles and promote long-term growth. A sixth-generation Floridian, Robert Jones is...
Robert L. Jones III, B.C.S.
Shareholder Pensacola
Highly skilled legal technician helping clients navigate complex civil and commercial disputes. Known for diverse trial experience and appellate support. Florida native and Air Force veteran, Alec Russell, serves businesses and individuals across...
Alec D. Russell
Melbourne Deputy Managing Shareholder Melbourne
Katherine is Of Counsel in GrayRobinson's Lakeland office. Her practice focuses on estate and tax planning, and she represents beneficiaries, trustees and personal representatives in probate and trust litigation. She advises individuals with respect...
Katherine Sultenfuss Schichtel
Of Counsel Lakeland
Trusted advisor supporting private clients in minimizing exposure, preserving wealth, and protecting their families. Passionate about building strong relationships and demonstrating value for clients. Sandra Sheets is dedicated to the practice of...
Sandra G. Sheets
Private Client Services Deputy Chair Lakeland* Denotes non-attorney professional